In order to continuously improve the KyberSwap Aggregator, our APIs implement a clientData or source field that enables us to understand how the APIs are being utilized. As a developer integrating with our APIs, please add your clientID (i.e. company name) to the clientData/source fields to enable us to serve you better.
Retrieve the route information about a Swap between 2 tokens. Please use V2 GET API for a more performant route query. The route returned can then be combined with transaction specific params in the POST API payload to get the encoded data for submission to the KyberSwap router contract.
Get the encoded swap route to be forwarded to the KyberSwap router contract. For simplicity, the request body should contain the routeSummary returned by [V2] Get Swap Route appended with the additional tx parameters.
Deadline (in Unix time second) for the transaction to be executed. Default will be +20 minute. Cannot be in the past.
This is the amount of slippage the user can accept for his trade. The unit is bip.
The value is in ranges [0, 2000], 10 means 0.1%.
Default value is 50/10000 ~ 0.5%.
Address which the swap input tokens will be debited from
Address which the swap output tokens will be sent to
String to present to your client (i.e. clientID)
Returns the encoded data without price impact checks. For advanced trades.