Elastic Fee Collection

Reaping Your Auto-Compounded Yields


Whenever your active position goes into supporting trades, the market making fees are automatically reinvested into the pool. Consequently, fees are automatically compounded and accrued to your position. KyberSwap Elastic provides LPs the option to independently collect their accrued fees without affecting the underlying liquidity position. This means that LPs are able to reap the benefits of their auto-compounded yields at any time.

Liquidity Provider Flow

Collecting your auto-compounded fees

Step 1: Select position

From the My Pools page, choose the position from which to collect fees. You will be able to view the total fees which your position has earned on the position card.

Step 2: Collect the fees

Click on the "Collect Fees" button and you will prompted to confirm this action in Metamask. Note that this will remove 100% of the accrued fees.

Step 3: Fees collected

KyberSwap will notify you of the fee collection success upon confirmation of the trnasction.

Notice that the fees have also been removed from your position.

Last updated

Change request #477: Elastic fee tier and token launches