Increasing Liquidity On Elastic
Add To Your Favourite Concentrated Liquidity Positions
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Add To Your Favourite Concentrated Liquidity Positions
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If you already have a KyberSwap Elastic liquidity pool position that’s doing well, you may want to increase the size of that position. This is called Increasing Liquidity.
Note: “Increasing Liquidity” should not be confused with “Adding Liquidity.” Adding Liquidity means creating a new position, whereas Increasing Liquidity pertains to increasing the size of a position you currently hold. Please refer to Add Liquidity To An Existing Elastic Pool if you would like to enter a new position.
From the My Positions page, look for the position you’d like to increase and click its corresponding “Increase Liquidity” button.
This opens the “Increase Liquidity” screen.
Specify the deposit amounts, or the magnitude of the position size increase. You can either manually type in amounts or use the “Max” and “Half” buttons. Once you specify the deposit amount for one leg of the pair, the corresponding leg’s amount will be automatically calculated and populated for you.
Note: The proportion of liquidity deposited for each leg of the pair is determined by the price range associated with the position.
If you haven’t already done so, you will need to need to authorize the KyberSwap smart contract to transact using your tokens on this network. Click the “Approve [Token]” button to do so. This will open the approval dialog window on your wallet.
Once the approval is confirmed, the previously-greyed-out “Preview” button will be clickable.
Click on the “Preview” button to bring up the preview screen. Once you have reviewed the information on this screen, click on the “Supply” button to proceed.
You will need to confirm this transaction in your wallet.
Once you’ve confirmed the transaction you will see a screen informing you that the transaction has been submitted. You can click on “View Transaction” to view your transaction on the appropriate blockchain explorer.
The newly increased position should now be visible on the My Positions page.