KyberSwap DEX Mapping
KyberSwap maintains a mapping of DEX IDs for each DEX that has been integrated with the KyberSwap Aggregator. This mapping enables integrators to easily filter the list of preferred DEXs for routing when querying the KyberSwap Aggregator via the includedSources
and excludedSources
Supported DEXs by chains
Please refer to Supported Exchanges And Networks for the full list of supported DEXs on each chain.
For your convenience, the DEX IDs for each integrated DEX is listed below with their corresponding official DEX names as well as the link to their respective apps for avoidance of doubt.
DEX ID Mapping
(!) denotes DEXs which have been integrated with KyberSwap Aggregator but has since become inactive. If you spot any DEX which you believe have been inactivated, do let us know via our Help Center.
DEX ID | DEX Name | DEX Link |
apeswap | ApeSwap | |
astroswap | AstroSwap | |
axial (!) | Axial | |
balancer | Balancer | |
beethovenx | Beethoven X | |
biswap | Biswap | |
camelot | Camelot | |
cometh | Cometh | |
crodex | Crodex | |
cronaswap | CronaSwap | |
curve | Curve | |
defiswap | DefiSwap | |
dfyn | DFYN | |
dinoswap | DinoSwap | |
dodo | DODO (v2) | |
dystopia | Dystopia | |
ellipsis | Ellipsis | |
empiredex | EmpireDex | |
fraxswap | FraxSwap | |
gemkeeper (!) | GemKeeper | |
gmx | GMX | |
gravity | Gravity | |
iron-stable | Iron-stable | |
jetswap | JetSwap | |
kryptodex | KryptoDex | |
kyberswap | KyberSwap Classic (Dynamic Fees) | |
kyberswap-static | KyberSwap Classic (Static Fees) | |
kyberswapv2 | KyberSwap Elastic | |
lizard | Lizard | |
lydia | Lydia | |
madmex | MadMex | |
maker-psm | Maker PSM | |
mdex | MDEX | |
metavault | MetaVault | |
mmf | MMF | |
morpheus | Morpheus | |
nearpad | NearPad | |
nerve | Nerve | |
oneswap | OneSwap | |
paintswap | PaintSwap | |
pancake | PancakeSwap | |
pancake-legacy | PancakeSwap (legacy) | |
pangolin | Pangolin | |
pantherswap (!) | PantherSwap | |
photonswap | PhotonSwap | |
platypus | Platypus | |
polycat | Polycat | |
polydex | PolyDex | |
quickswap | QuickSwap | |
saddle | Saddle | |
shibaswap | ShibaSwap | |
spiritswap | SpiritSwap | |
spookyswap | SpookySwap | |
sushiswap | SushiSwap | |
swapr | Swapr | |
synapse | Synapse | |
synthetix | Synthetix | |
traderjoe | TraderJoe | |
trisolaris | Trisolaris | |
uniswap | Uniswap (v2) | |
uniswapv3 | Uniswap (v3) | |
valleyswap (!) | Valleyswap | |
valleyswap-v2 (!) | Valleyswap (v2) | |
velodrome | Velodrome | |
vvs | VVS Finance | |
wagyuswap | WagyuSwap | |
wannaswap | WannaSwap | |
wault (!) | Wault | |
yetiswap | YetiSwap | |
yuzuswap | YuzuSwap | |
zipswap | ZipSwap |
Last updated