Removing Liquidity On Classic

Another Opportunity Awaits


Have you discovered an even better yield opportunity or maybe you just want to take a break from the markets. You can easily reduce the amount of liquidity within a position or exit the position completely through removing all your contributed liquidity. This guide describes the steps to remove all or part of your liquidity from a position.

Liquidity Provider Flow

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  1. Removing Liquidity On Classic <-

Removing liquidity position

Step 1: Select position

From the My Pools page, choose the position from which you want to remove liquidity and click on its “Remove Liquidity” button.

This brings up the Remove Liquidity screen.

Step 2: Specify removal amount

KyberSwap Classic provides LPs the option to withdraw their position as a token pair or a single token. Withdrawing to a single token (a.k.a zaps) enable users to conveniently withdraw their position's value as either token in the pool. LPs can choose to remove part or the whole position.

Note: If you choose to remove 100% of the liquidity in this position, that is tantamount to closing the position. Once this operation is complete, you will only see this position if you toggle the “Show closed positions” button on your My Positions page.

Specify the amount of liquidity to remove. You can do this either by using the pre-set percentage buttons or the percentage slider, or by manually typing in the amount for either leg of the pair.

Step 3: Authorize contract

If you haven't done so, you will need to permit the pool contract to remove your position from the pool. Note that this signature request does not require any gas.

Once you have authorized the contract, the previously disabled "Remove" button will now be available.

Step 4: Review liquidity removal

Click the "Remove" button to bring up the preview screen. The preview screen displays a few key pieces of information for review.

  • Amount of tokens that you will receive after removing the position

  • Current price: the rate at which the swap will happen (this can be inverted using the 🔁 button).

  • LP Tokens Removed: The number of LP tokens, which represents your position, that will be removed

  • Minimum Received: This is the minimum amount of output tokens that you will receive from the removal. The removal will only be completed if this minimum amount threshold is achieved else the transaction will revert.

Click the “Confirm” button to proceed. You should be prompted to confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Once confirmed, the Transaction Submitted screen will appear. You can click on "View Transaction" to see your transaction on the blockchain explorer.

Last updated

Change request #477: Elastic fee tier and token launches