Taker APIs
KyberSwap Limit Order Taker APIs
Last updated
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KyberSwap Limit Order Taker APIs
Last updated
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This API is used by partners
/ takers
to get orders to fill. </br>
This API returns a limited number of orders, sorted by rate desc.</br>
Note: </br>
= ((making_amount
- filled_making_amount
) * (1 - maker_token_fee_percent
) * maker_asset_price_usd
- gas_usd
) / ((taking_amount
- filled_taking_amount
) * taker_asset_price_usd
Used to filter orders, only orders having rate greater than or equal are returned
Gas in USD used to calculate rate of orders. If gasUSD is equal to 0 or null, server will calculate gasUSD by itself.
Maker asset's price in USD used to calculate rate of orders. If makerAssetPriceUSD is equal to 0 or null, server will calculate makerAssetPriceUSD by itself.
Taker asset's price in USD used to calculate rate of orders. If takerAssetPriceUSD is equal to 0 or null, server will calculate takerAssetPriceUSD by itself.
Format: uint256
Format: uint256
Generate encoded data for fillOrderTo() method
Format: uint256
If thresholdAmount != 0, the order will be filled if and only if (actualTakingAmount / actualMakingAmount) <= (thresholdAmount / requestedMakingAmount)
The wallet address who will be received maker asset