Customizing The KyberSwap Widget
Endlessly Customizable
Below you’ll find a few examples showing how you can customize the widget theme to match the look and feel of your dApp. All of them can be integrated using the following code snippet where you can set your theme
Customizing the width
Widget has a fixed height of 360px and a default width of 360px. You cannot modify the height of the widget. You can modify the width up to a minimum width of 300px.
You can customize the width by passing a valid CSS number or width to the widget's width holder.
Customizing the fees
The KyberSwap Widget makes it easy to configure a transaction facilitation fee by passing additional parameters to the widget. Information about parameters you can refer to KyberSwap Aggregator APIs.
Customizing the themes
You can set optional parameters to tailor the appearance and functionality of the swap widget to fit your app.
All attributes below are color codes, except buttonRadius
(number), borderRadius
(number between 0 and 1), and fontFamily
You can check out examples of the swap widget, and the Figma file if you want to mock it up first!
Properties | Prop Type | Example | Description |
| primary background color of swap form |
| secondary background color of swap form |
| color of dialog |
| border-radius of swap form and swap button (same border-radius) |
| border-radius of swap button |
| color of the stroke |
| color of interactive button(Swap icon and token picker) |
| swap button and link color |
| success color |
| warning color |
| error color |
| primary text color |
| secondary text color |
| font-family of Swap form |
Customizing the Token Lists
Last updated