Add Your Favourite Tokens

Import Custom ERC20 Tokens


KyberSwap whitelists some of the most commonly transacted tokens on our platform, but you can also search for and specify custom ERC20 tokens to add to the KyberSwap Interface. While the screenshots below showcases adding a custom token for the standard swap flow, the interface remains largely the same across all other functions: adding liquidity, limit orders, etc.

Importing custom tokens

Step 1: Select network

To start, ensure your wallet is set to the intended network. The search function is network-specific and will only return results native to that network. You can refer to Switching Networks if you require help with changing the active network.

Step 2: Search for token

Next, tap on either (or both) of the coin selector buttons to bring up the Token Selection screen. This screen lists all the whitelisted tokens by default, but you can use the search bar to look for a specific non-whitelisted token.

Enter either the ticker symbol or the contract address of the token you wish to import.

Step 3: Import token

Once you have found the intended token, tap on the Import button and the “I Understand” confirmation button that subsequently appears.

The new custom token has now been imported. It will appear under your Imported tokens list in the coin selector screen and you will now be able to perform swaps using this token.

Last updated

Change request #477: Elastic fee tier and token launches