Maker APIs
KyberSwap Limit Order Maker APIs
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KyberSwap Limit Order Maker APIs
Last updated
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Developer Guide
Please refer to Create Limit Order for the relevant sequence diagram as well as a TypeScript example.
Developer Guide
Please refer to Gasless Cancel for the relevant sequence diagram as well as a TypeScript example.
Developer Guide
Please refer to Hard Cancel for the relevant sequence diagram as well as a TypeScript example.
Get EIP712 create order message to be signed. The response of this API will need to be signed with Sign Typed Data v4 before submitting create order request to KyberSwap via /write/api/v1/orders
The chainId on which the order is being created. Only supports EVM chains.
The token address of the asset which the Maker is selling.
The token address of the asset which the Maker expects in return.
The address of the Maker.
Defines who will receive the takerAsset when the order is filled.
Default: maker
Defines the addresses who are allowed to fill the order.
The amount of makerAsset
in wei. String representation of uint256 value.
The amount of takerAsset
in wei. String representation of uint256 value.
The address to receive the fees, if any. Fees are configured in makerTokenFeePercent
Amount of makerToken paid by the taker to the feeRecipient
. For example, 20% = 0.2 -> makerTokenFeePercent = 0.2 * 10000 = 2000
Format: uint32
The unix timestamp upon which the order will automatically lapse (i.e. expire).
API for Makers to create new orders by sending in order params which includes the signed EIP712 message returned in /write/api/v1/orders/sign-message
The chainId on which the order is being created. Only supports EVM chains.
The token address of the asset which the Maker is selling.
The token address of the asset which the Maker expects in return.
The address of the Maker.
Defines who will receive the takerAsset when the order is filled.
Default: maker
Defines the addresses who are allowed to fill the order.
The amount of makerAsset
in wei. String representation of uint256 value.
The amount of takerAsset
in wei. String representation of uint256 value.
The address to receive the fees, if any. Fees are configured in makerTokenFeePercent
Amount of makerToken paid by the taker to the feeRecipient
. For example, 20% = 0.2 -> makerTokenFeePercent = 0.2 * 10000 = 2000
Format: uint32
The unix timestamp upon which the order will automatically lapse (i.e. expire).
The randomized data fed as an additional input to the hashing function. Returned in /write/api/v1/orders/sign-message
The signed(signDataTyped) EIP712 creation order returned in /write/api/v1/orders/sign-message
Get the Maker's total making amount for a specified token.
The chainId on which the order is being created. Only supports EVM chains.
The token address of the asset which the Maker is selling.
The address of the Maker.
Get EIP712 cancel order message to be signed (i.e. 'Gasless Cancel'). The response of this API will need to be signed with Sign Typed Data v4 before submitting create order request to KyberSwap via /write/api/v1/orders/cancel
The chainId on which the order is being created. Only supports EVM chains.
The address of the Maker that created the order.
The order IDs to be cancelled gaslessly.
API for Makers to gaslessly cancel orders by sending in order params which includes the signed EIP712 message returned in /write/api/v1/orders/cancel-sign
Required to include '' to authenticate the POST call.
The chainId on which the order is being cancelled. Only supports EVM chains.
The address of the Maker that created the order.
The order IDs to be cancelled gaslessly.
The signed(signDataTyped) EIP712 cancellation order returned in /write/api/v1/orders/cancel-sign
Request for the cancellation encoded data from KyberSwap. This data can then be executed on-chain from the signer's wallet.
The order IDs to be cancelled on-chain.
Request for the cancel all encoded data from KyberSwap. By increasing the LO contract nonce tied to the Maker, the LO contract is able to nullify all existing orders. This data can then be executed on-chain from the Maker's wallet.
Get all orders created by a Maker address filtered by the order status.
The chainId on which the order is being created. Only supports EVM chains.
The address of the Maker.
The status of the order to filter for:
: Order is active (both open and has been partially filled).open
: Order is open and has yet to be filled.partially_filled
: Order has been partially filled.closed
: Order has been closed and can no longer be filled.filled
: Order has been filled with no remaining assets to be filled.cancelled
: Order was cancelled by the Maker and can no longer be filled.expired
: Order can no longer be filled as the expiry set by the Maker is in the
, open
, partially_filled
, closed
, filled
, cancelled
, expired
Token symbol or token address. Search prefix for symbol, search exact for address.
Number of pages to return. Minimum and default is set at 1
Number of results to display per page. Minimum is 1
and maximum is 50
. Default is 10