Remove Liquidity


Once you have created a new Elastic position, you can then choose to remove varying proportion of the position's liquidity. Removing all the position's liquidity will result in the position being closed. Position liquidity removal is handled by the AntiSnipAttackPositionManager contract which extends the base position manager contract by adding an anti-sniping feature for liquidity additions and removals.

The logic for creating a new position can be found in the removeLiquidity.ts file linked below:

Signer configuration

In order to sign the transaction to be processed by the network, this example requires an Ethers Signer to be configured. Please view Provider and Signer Setup for more information.


Removing Position Liquidity

Open Positions

This guide requires an existing position to have been created. Each position is assigned a position ID which enables further management of the position after creation.

Please refer to Create A New Position for the developer guide on how to create a new Elastic position.

Step 1: Get the position data

In order to remove liquidity from an existing position, we must first get the position data which includes its positionId (the positions unique identifier).

Due to gas considerations, the ownerAddress -> positionId mapping is not stored on-chain. Nonetheless, to aid with Elastic integrations, KyberSwap exposes a subgraph for Elastic protocols across all supported chains. The addresses for each subgraph can be found on Elastic Subgraphs.

For the purposes of this guide, we will be using the Matic subgraph which is defined under the getSignerPositions() function:

The subgraph URL above allows us to query the positions belonging to the signerAddress. We are also leveraging the Axios package to easily handle promise-based HTTP requests:

const {data} = await
        query: `
                    where: {
                        owner: "${signerAddress}",
                        pool: "${poolAddress.toLowerCase()}"
                ) {
                    tickLower {
                    tickUpper {

You can play around with the query by opening the explorer client in your browser using the links provided under Elastic Subgraphs.

We then filter the positions to return only the positions with liquidity, signerOpenPositions. As the positions are ordered based on their positionId we will choose to remove liquidity from the oldest position, targetOpenPosition.

Step 2: Create a position instance for liquidity removal

The position data returned above allows us to instantiate a Position instance for convenient liquidity position handling:

const targetPositionNew = new Position({
    pool: targetPool,
    liquidity: targetOpenPosition.liquidity,
    tickLower: Number(targetOpenPosition.tickLower),
    tickUpper: Number(targetOpenPosition.tickUpper)

Step 3: Get the fees accrued to the position

Trading fees will accrue to your position if your liquidity was used to support trades. To get the total fees earned by the position, we can leverage getTotalFeesOwedToPosition() function exposed by the TicksFeesReader contract:

const tickReaderContract = new ethers.Contract(elasticContracts.TICKSFEEREADER, TicksFeesReaderABI, signer);
const [token0Fees, token1Fees] = await tickReaderContract.getTotalFeesOwedToPosition(elasticContracts.POSITIONMANAGER, targetPoolAddress, targetOpenPosition.positionId);

Step 4: Configure the fee removal options

With the accrued fee amounts returned, we can then add it to our transaction via the collectOptions which will form part of the liquidity removal transaction:

const collectOptions: CollectOptions = {
    tokenId: targetOpenPosition.positionId,
    expectedCurrencyOwed0: CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(targetPool.token0, Number(token0Fees)),
    expectedCurrencyOwed1: CurrencyAmount.fromRawAmount(targetPool.token1, Number(token1Fees)),
    recipient: signerAddress,
    deadline: Math.floor( / 1000) + 60 * 10, //10 mins
    havingFee: (token0Fees != 0) // Collect fees if any

Note that collectOptions consists of a havingFee option which determines whether fees are collected together with the liquidity withdrawal. While Elastic enables partial withdrawal of position liquidity, the fees must be collected in full. Additionally, the position must have accrued fees else the transaction will throw when trying to collect zero fees.

Step 5: Configure the liquidity removal options

In addition to the fee collection, we will also have to configure the liquidity removal options:

const removeLiquidityOptions: RemoveLiquidityOptions = {
    slippageTolerance: new Percent(50, 10000), // 0.5%
    deadline: Math.floor( / 1000) + 60 * 10, //10 mins
    tokenId: targetOpenPosition.positionId, // Remove liquidity from the oldest position
    liquidityPercentage: new Percent(1000, 10000), // 10%
    collectOptions: collectOptions

Notice that we specified a liquidityPercentage of 10% for this demo. You can change this to 100% (i.e. new Percent(1)) if you would like to close the position. Additionally, note that we have included the collectOptions from above.

Step 6: Get the remove liquidity call parameters

We can then get the call parameters by utilizing the NonfungiblePositionManager helper class:

const removeLiquidityParams = NonfungiblePositionManager.removeCallParameters(

This will return the encoded calldata that will be sent to the network.

Step 7: Execute the liquidity removal

We are finally ready to execute the transaction by sending the transaction from the signer's address:

const removeLiquidityTx = await signer.sendTransaction({
    data: removeLiquidityParams.calldata,
    to: elasticContracts.POSITIONMANAGER,
    value: removeLiquidityParams.value,
    from: signerAddress,
    maxFeePerGas: 100000000000,
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: 100000000000

const removeLiquidityTxReceipt = await removeLiquidityTx.wait();
console.log(`Remove liquidity tx executed with hash: ${removeLiquidityTxReceipt?.hash}`);

A transaction hash will be returned once the trade has been executed. You can copy this hash into a scanner (i.e. PolygonScan) and see that your transaction has been successfully completed by the network.

Last updated